
Friday, January 21, 2011

Is it over...

I have had the LONGEST 3 days ever! During these longest 3 days...EVER...the following may or may not have occurred:

Changed over 200 students schedules ... Never Never Never Ending! Come on kids, I am not your personal scheduler!!!
Had thoughts of possibly causing a number of students to loose useful limbs...
Dealt with a "parent" who insulted my life as a independent, happy, single woman. even though I fixed her problem... she kept insulting... and i kept telling her to get out of my office.
Consumed unheard of amounts of chocolate and Diet Dr. Pepper!
Cried several times over possibly unnecessary reasons... We all deserve a good cry now and again :'(
Woke up at 3:45am a few times to fit the gym into my packed tight schedule.
May have looked up several getaway vacay destination...
Thought of switching degrees... this happened more than 10 times.
Said "Damn it!" in front of a few kids...uhhhhh....sssshhhh, don't tell!
Closed my eyes as walked down halls... just to give my eyes much needed, and deserved rest.
Skipped way too many meals... Not good... I get grumpy!
Typed up this blog entry to help these last painful 30 min go by quickly!! It worked! I am outie!

It is over!!!

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